Basically the method consists in acquiring cheap vps, and start selling it for a affordable price.
There are two ways of doing this method, the free one, and the paid one.
Free way: Microsoft Azure
To do this way, you need to have a vcc (virtual credit card). You just need to register here.
Then you create the buyer requested machine, sell it, and when the account expire, just create another one.
Paid way (better one, and recommended): SonicFast and Contabo
These two providers sells the most quality-price machines on the market.
SonicFast sells for 12€ a VPS 10GB Ram machine with 3 Core processor and ssd.
Contabo sells for 5€ a VPS 8GB Ram machine with 4 Core processor and ssd.
Also Contabo sells for 10€ a RDP with 8GB Ram machine with 4 Core processor and ssd.
Second step: start selling!
I recommend you using Sellix or Cordshop (greetz to owner).
After setting up one of them, just create a discord server and start posting around that you have a VPS/RDP provider!
Golden tips:
Never tell anyone the name of the provider if you are using the paid way.
Try to be faster deploying the machines to the customers.
If you can afford, buy a cool design to your thread, to make it look better and professional.
Where can I post about my “hosting”?
I recommend you start doing this on other forums, not on, because people here are smart and rich.
You can create a website using templates, create a premium discord server, create a facebook page, the imagination is your limit.
If you do this on the correct way, you’ll have insane profits.
I already done this in the past, and trust me, the profits are really insane!