Besides the fact that i despise spotify, youtube offers a wider range of music, edits, remixes and AMV’s so it’s always the superior choice when it comes to listening to music in my humble right opinion. And since phones tablettes and PCs have insane storage, it kinda defeats the purpose to listen to music that you technically don’t own on the cloud when u can just run it locally like the old days even if ur pisschilling in the north pole with not a single radio signal to be recieved. Needless to say there is a plathora of web apps that let you convert youtube to mp4 or mp3 but they make sure you leave with at least twice the cancer cell count that you entered their website with from malvertising, shitty servers and the limitation to convert one video at a time.
I hope this monologue convinced you to store your music locally, the set up is quite simple: 2 softwares a pc and an internet connection (windows demo)
Save all the music you want to download in a youtube playlist
go to your youtube profile -> youtube studio -> Content -> playlists
hover the playlist, press the pen icon and change the visibility to unlisted
go back to the previous menu click the 3 dots and get the sharable link (save it somewhere we’ll be needing it later)
go to -> download yt-dlp.exe and put it somewhere that is accessible by your path (to see your path open cmd and type
echo %PATH%
now go to to download ffmpeg put it in the same folder as yt-dlp for convenience or just add it to your path for extra convenience MLGpepe
(both tools are open source and widely used you can check their github repos if ur suspicious about the links [Image: handsome.png] )
open an administrative cmd -> cd to where you downloaded yt-dlp and type this command
yt-dlp --throttled-rate 0 --sponsorblock-remove all -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --output "whatever/path/you/want/%(title)s.%(ext)s" "playlist_url
this will go through the entire playlist fetch the videos in webm convert them to mp3 and write to the output location, change the whatever/path/you/want/ to the music folder u want to use, %(title)s.%(ext)s is a placeholder label. playlist_url is self explanatory just past the link from earlier (step 4)
That’s basically it, the tool leverages ffmpeg so basically you can do wonders with it just read the documentation (you can download videos as well in multiple formats)
Leave a like if you read to this point, this is a handwritten tutorial by yours truely. This is the best type of content that i want to see on the forum hopefully other members will write their own tutorials and share whatever shit makes their lives a little bit easier, same applies to me probably will share more stuff in the future! And as always