What you need:
First you need to login and make sure you get in the account after that you add whatever see if it works, if the card gets declined the persons broke. If it go thru then you chillin, wait for the order to come and pick it up from the front or back of ur house, in the case that your address banned which it probably is if your accounts are always getting clipped and locked you will need a drop addy near your house, basically reroute the order to your house just tell the driver you did the instacart approximate location thing and they got it incorrectly so if they can bring it to your house and you will tip more for the inconvenience.
if they ask for cvv (3 numbers in the back) use a dead card that you don’t use to bypass it, first try it with the card you don’t use and let it decline and use the owners card and boom it should work.