The product you will be reselling is a high-quality replica of the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra. You can find my personal favorite from the seller “aimall” on DHgate. Just look up “ 6.8 Touch Play Screen HD Display” on the site and it should be one of the first results.
As of writing this, you can buy one of these bad boys for as little as $112. Even reselling one for $560 (these phones go for $800 at least) is a 5x on your investment. Sell as high as you can pull off, of course.
I recommend you sell on second-hand markets such as Facebook Marketplace (preferred) or OfferUp. Include a picture of the phone listing on a site such as Amazon, eBay, Best Buy, etc. to really show your potential customers JUST HOW GOOD of a deal they are getting.
Stop trying to break into the saturated market of replica clothing. Invest in the real deal and your profits will follow accordingly.