Step 1: Creating an account
- Click |
and click on “Create a New Account”.
- Click on “Begin Creating My Account” and go to
Note: Before you click on “Begin Creating My Account” make sure you have an email address
Enter your first and last name according to Fake Name Generator.
Enter a Date of Birth, the year should be 1998.
Important Note: Save your date of birth if you want to change the password of your EDU email!
Uncheck the financial aid check-box and click on Social Security Number.
Go to Fake Name Generator, you should see an SSN, copy it.
Go to and enter your SSN, replace the last four digits in random numbers. For example: 626-74-XXXX → 626-74-4568
Important Note: Save your valid SSN in a file if you want to change the password of your EDU email!
If the SSN is valid enter it in CCCApply and click “Continue”.
Enter your email address.
On the Telephone section, make sure the boxes are un-checked and skip the step.
For an address, I recommend using the address of the Four Seasons Hotel in San Francisco (757 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA). Or any other hotels address in CA
Click “Continue”.
Username: I recommend using the first and last name of your fake profile in Fake Name Generator.
Password: Any password that you want.
PIN: Random 4 digit number that you’ll remember.
Security Questions: Choose random answers.
Click “I’m not a robot ” and then “Create My Account”.
Step 2: Application
Choose Merced College and click on “ Start Application ”
On “Term Applying For” choose the first option.
On “Educational Goal” click the first option.
On “Major Category” choose “school of business” & “Intended Major or Program of Study choose” “Marketing”
- Click on the check-box near “My mailing address is the same as the Permanent Address in my OpenCCC Account above”
- On the first input choose the first option.
- In “High School Education” choose the first option and choose a random date in 2018. Choose “Yes” in the other options like in the example.
- In “Last High School Attended” choose California in “State” and type “San Francisco” in the input. Choose a random high school from the list.
On “Citizenship Status” choose the first option.
On “Military Status” choose the first option.
In Residency the instructions on this one are very simple, the first one should be “Yes” and others should be ”No”.
Needs and Interests for this one, you can just follow the example below. ( For Programs & Services just keep it unchecked )
On “Gender”, choose the gender that you want (by the name of the account, if the name in the account is Sarah so the gender should be female).
For the other information follow the example.
For Supplemental Questions follow the example
On “Review Application” just scroll down and click “I have reviewed the application and confirm it is complete and accurate”.
On “Consent” just click “I consent”.
On “Submission”, check the boxes and click on “Submit My Application”.
You will be forwarded to the confirmation page, click on “Continue”.
You can leave the survey blank and click on “Submit Survey”. The Certified Team
Congratulations! Your email is on its way.
You’ll get a confirmation email instantly
and after 10 minutes or more you should get the email that contains all of the details.
Step 3 : Microsoft Office 365
Click Here |
Your Portal User ID will be your firstname.lastname and your initial password will be your birthdate entered as MMDDYY (example:010188).
After login you receive this notification. Just Wait 10 Min and you can get your Microsoft office
Once you get to the Office page, click on Install Office and it will download the latest version of the programs to your desktop.
now you own the Microsoft office library. You can download them up to 5 PC / Macs
so enjoy, download them on all your devices. This method is much cheaper than buying the limited licence every year.