Okay so you want to learn how to crack.
Here’s a list of what I will explain.
Cracking program
Cracking Program
First you’ll need a cracking program. I use silverbullet and you should too [Image: happy.png]
I doesnt really matter what you use although most bullet programs work as best because they are commonly used and there’s many configs.
- Combos
How cracking works is, you have big Combo lists of thousands of lines in the format User:Pass.
Your cracking program checks all these lines by using a config which to put it simply just tries to login and checks for keywords like invalid password -> which will give a fail or something like Login successful -> which will give you a Hit (A hit is a other word for “This User:Pass is successfull”
I recommend you buy a Combo because free ones are mostly reposts with a lot of duplicated lines.
Using free combo’s pretty wastes your time and your Proxies.
- Proxies
When trying to Netflix for example it takes a lot of info from you, but most importantly is your IP. When continuesly sending requests with the same IP netflix will block it or ask you for advanced captchas.
That’s why we use proxies, when using them it connects to a different server (Which means a new IP) every time. When doing this if your Proxy is good enough (because some sites can check if a IP is a proxy and it will make it harder to login, when using a bad proxy it will bassicly become impossible to login). So if your proxy is good enough it will login :)
- Profit
Okay so now you have a lot of accounts, just start selling them on sites like Shoppy Sellix, Sellpass (Which I use and has great optimisation).
Im not going to give a full tutorial on how to make a shop using these providers as it’s pretty straight forward.
Now the good part, I’m gonna show you how. Im going to use SILVERBULLET for this tutorial.
Open Program. And use a VPN while running.
Get some combos and proxies.
Go to the runner tap.
Click on new.
Click on config then put in your Config.
Click on wordlist put in your wordlist.
Click on bots and put 50-100 in.
Click on proxies, put them in and make sure it is enabled when running.
Crack [Image: hackerman_xmas.gif]
Cracking Terms
Hit - User:Pass is correct
Custom - User:Pass is correct but consits of a expired or free account.
Bots - Amount of Threads you have running at the same time, with proxies every bot uses a different proxy on each request.
Combo - Other word for Wordlist
Capture - The info of an account like expiry date, payment option etc
CPM - Checks for per minute, the ammount of successfull login requests it performs (succesfull as in a succesfull login ATTEMPT, this doesn’t mean that they are also hits)