Generative AI | 50 AI Based Tools In Various Fields robot
50 AI-Based Tools in Various Fields :robot:
:white_check_mark: Image Generation and Design
:art: Craiyon - Generate images from texts
:framed_picture: DeepDream Generator - Convert images into artwork
:paintbrush: Artbreeder - Merge images and create interactive artwork
:crayon: NightCafe - Generate AI artwork
:video_camera: Runway ML - Edit videos and images using AI
:writing_hand: Texts and writing
:speech_balloon: ChatGPT - Smart assistant for writing and research
:memo: - Generate marketing and creative texts
:arrows_counterclockwise: QuillBot - Rephrase and improve texts
:open_book: Grammarly - Correct linguistic errors
:books: Hugging Face - Natural language processing library
:mortar_board: Education and research
:books: Khan Academy - Artificial intelligence educational lessons
:mortar_board: Coursera - Free courses in artificial intelligence
:classical_building: edX - Courses from MIT and Harvard
:abacus: Wolfram Alpha - An engine for answering scientific questions
:mag: Google Scholar - Intelligent academic research
:computer: Programming and development
:man_technologist: GitHub Copilot - An intelligent assistant for writing code
:bulb: Replit - A collaborative programming environment
:desktop_computer: Codecademy - Learn to code through interactive lessons
:bar_chart: Kaggle - Data analysis and machine learning
:brain: TensorFlow Playground - Experiment with neural networks
:notes: Audio and video
:microphone: - Generate human voices
:clapper: Descript - Edit video via text
:loud_sound: Voicemod - Change voice in real time
:musical_score: AIVA - Compose music using AI
:film_projector: Unscreen - Automatically remove video background
:hospital: Healthcare
:stethoscope: Ada Health - Preliminary medical diagnosis with intelligence Artificial
:woman_health_worker: Buoy Health - Help diagnose symptoms
:camera_flash: SkinVision - Skin image analysis for cancer detection
:brain: Woebot - Psychological assistance via chat
:xray: Zebra Medical Vision - Medical imaging analysis
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Business & Marketing
:art: Canva - AI-powered graphic design
:bar_chart: HubSpot - Marketing and CRM tools
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Zoho Analytics - Data analysis
:mag_right: AnswerThePublic - Keyword analysis
:studio_microphone: - Voice to text
:hammer_and_wrench: Miscellaneous tools
:camera: - Automatically remove backgrounds from images
:earth_africa: DeepL Translator - High-accuracy text translation
:test_tube: Google AI Experiments - Artificial intelligence experiments
:speaking_head: ElevenLabs - Realistic voice generation
:bust_in_silhouette: This Person Does Not Exist - Fake face generation
:microscope: Platforms Research & Data
:mag: Google Dataset Search - Search for datasets
:scroll: arXiv - Research papers in artificial intelligence
:robot: IBM Watson Studio - Build machine learning models
:memo: Papers with Code - Research papers with attached code
:bulb: OpenAI Playground - Experiment with AI models
:technologist: Tools for developers and engineers
:books: - Free courses in machine learning
:cloud: Colab - Run AI models on the cloud
:robot: Teachable Machine - Build machine learning models without code
:microscope: AllenNLP - Natural language processing library
:memo: DeepCode - Code review with artificial intelligence